Who are these “Aliens”?
When we talk about aliens, we talk about things that are different and strange to us. But in science fiction, space aliens come from other planets. They usually belong to a habitat that is way different from the habitat of our planet.
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Does this proof the traces of Aliens on Mars?
In 2014, the first hints of life were discovered by NASA on their Mars expedition. Traces of Methane gas had been recorded by a rover and it was predicted that it might have been produced by bacteria. As most of the Methane gas on earth is produced as a waste gas by living organisms. If the existence of living microbes is confirmed on Mars, it would be the first evidence of life outside Earth. But the major question is if the bacteria is releasing the gas then what are they actually feeding on? There must be some other organisms that are being fed on to carry out this process.
Stephen and Multiverse Theory
Stephen Hawking was a maestro in the study of space and cosmology and a firm believer in extraterrestrial life. He was convinced that the aliens would eventually invade our planet one day but not with the most righteous intentions. Most of you might have heard of the Big Bang theory, that our local universe came into existence with a brief burst of inflation. In other words, a fraction of a second after the Big Bang itself, the universe expanded at an exponential rate.
This is the theory that is believed by everyone but Sir Hawking, as he said that the theory of the Big Bang is wrong as this theory was based on the problem of eternal inflation. This means that there is an existing background universe that evolves according to Einstein’s theory of relativity. However, it wipes out the separation between classical and quantum physics. Whereas, Einstein’s theory breaks down in eternal inflation which was called Multiverse Theory.
Although there is still no evidence proving that we are the only form of intelligent life. Sir Hawking did submit a paper on the multiverse theory a year before he died. He once said, “If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans”. He added, “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet.”
Let’s suppose we go by the beliefs of the greatest physicist that the world has ever experienced. Therefore, we might want to be ready to welcome our “friendly” neighbors.