

    The Curious Case Of The Ghost Ship ‘Mary Celeste’ And Its Missing Crew

    A mystery exceeding 135 years and beyond, the story of the Mary Celeste is indeed an enigma. Termed as a Ghost Ship as its mysterious voyage traveled past folklores, no one really knows what happened to it and her Captain, his wife, their infant daughter and the other seven crew members. A secure wooden ship, sailing itself without any crew. What happened? Where...

    Queen Anna Nzinga: The Extraordinary Leader Of A Formidable Colonial Resistance

    Queen Anna Nzinga, previously known as Ana de Sousa Nzinga Mbande, was a brave-hearted queen of the Ndongo and Matamba Kingdoms during the (what is now known as Angola) 16th and 17th centuries AD. Queen Anna Nzinga is best remembered for emancipating her people from the chains of slavery and putting a stiff resistance against the Portuguese. Anna Nzinga's early life: Queen Nzinga was born during...

    Chinese Terracotta Warriors: Associated Symbolism and Mysteries

    A remarkable archaeological discovery in the world took place in 1974 when more than 8000 life-size terracotta warriors were uncovered in Xi’an, China. The clay army is situated in the greatest mausoleum of the world, and archaeologists often contend that it was constructed to protect Emperor Qin Shi Huang in his afterlife journey. Each of the terracotta warriors was bestowed with unique characteristics and...

    The Legend of Maat: Ancient Egyptian Deity of Truth, Justice and Morality

    The ancient Egyptian religion consisted of the female goddess of truth, justice, balance and morality who was known as Maat (Ma’at) or Mayet. Maat was the daughter of the Egyptian sun deity Ra and wife of the moon god Thoth. She imparted a spirit of justice to the Egyptians. By weighing people's souls against her feather of truth, she was responsible for judging whether they would...

    Discovery of the Massive 500-Year-Old Distillery in China

    Archaeologists unearthed the ruins of a massive distillery in China that dates back to the Ming and Qing dynasties. The discovery is believed to be the most remarkable of its kind ever made in China, as it stretched across some 190,000 square feet. The distillery was a great innovation as it was assumed to have been capable of producing spirits on an industrial scale. Uncovering...