

    Netflix: Are Others Chilling at Your Cost?

    Netflix doesn't need any introduction today. Even if you are not familiar with Stranger Things or The Crown, you must be familiar with one of the many series and movies available on the streaming website. But this article is not about how great Netflix's selection of series and movies is. The next few paragraphs would change your perception of Netflix and security. Trade Of Netflix Passwords Either...

    SCAM 1992, Who Started It All, Who Went Down, Who Got Away

    We all have seen the Sony Liv web series based on Indian Billionaire Harshad Mehta's life. After seeing that, many, or I must say, most of us, had the same question in our minds: Was he the main culprit? Was he the one who exploited the bank policies in India, or were there many others who were already in this game? In this article, I...

    Project MKUltra: The License To Kill

    Whats’s the price of insecurity? What will you do when you get to know that you were a part of a research experiment done on your body without your consent? What exactly is the plight of the prisoners in a first world country? Do they get all the fancy facilities shown to us in dreamy Hollywood movies, or is it the other way around?...

    Is Walt Disney Truly Dead? Is He “Technologically” Frozen?

    Who doesn’t love a good Disney movie? Well, what kind of question is that?  Disney enchants every single soul on this planet. Whether it's a lazy Sunday morning or a movie night, Disney is always there to lighten the mood. Well, all credit goes to its founder Walt Disney. An American entrepreneur, film producer, animator, writer, voice actor, and the animation industry's heart and soul. A pioneer...

    The Idols Smuggled From Temples Of Tamil Nadu

    All cherish the International art exhibitions, but some of the precious idols and antiques from Indian history are among those antiques. Although these idols have a great demand, few ponder the sources that supplied these rich art pieces. The majority of stone idols, jewelry, pillars that are auctioned carry India's rich culture and travel to these exhibitions through illegal routes. How Do The Pockets Fill? More...